Andy Murdock (2012) is saying it very well ”Europe is just one quarter the size of Asia, one third the size of Africa, but its pull for travellers is unmatched around the world.” Europe is leading continent what comes to tourism arrivals. Even 563 million international arrivals in a year (

Europe is one continent which includes many different kind of countries.Mainly tourism focuses on Southern/Central/Northern parts of Europe. Eastern Europe is still less developed, but it is trying to improve all the time. And it is possible to find great tourist destinations even in the Eastern parts, like Warsaw. Europe itself includes 15 regions ( There are 499 million people living in Europe ( In Europe there is also dozens of different languages and dialects. Europe includes big countries like Spain and France but smaller and less known countries like Kosovo and Liechtenstein. All these different places form one Europe, which is the most visited continent in whole world. Europe is also full of events and travelling opportunities. It is possible to choose luxury holidays in beach areas or go By train all over the Europe. It is Europes strenght to pull people from all age groups.

This website shows to its reader what kind of continent Europe truly is. Continent full of opportunities. Wide range of possibilities to do, to see and most important to experience.
This website includes a brief recap of history, tells to its reader how it is possible to move around Europe and same time what to see and do. It also ponder Europes strengths and weaknesses, finally it brings everything together.